The Triple Bottom Line Tool helps optimize новостройки Москвы and communicate investment alignment with economic, environmental, and social performance– what's referred to as the triple bottom line or TBL. Investors, economic development professionals, and decision-makers can use the TBL Tool to:

Configure development investments for maximum returns
Consider and prioritize alternatives
Communicate investment alignment with TBL goals

An orientation to the TBL Tool is provided in this brief video. Important information is also included in the User's Guide and in our FAQs.

The TBL Tool was publicly accessible from August 2012 through January 2015 through a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The TBL Tool is on hiatus while options for self-sustaining operations and enhancements are explored.

If you are interested in using the TBL Tool, incorporating components into your work, or collaborating on its further development and dissemination, please contact us at: info[at]